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  1. I am interested in being a tester for you. I think I own almost all of your studies. I am currently doing your workshop on Studies of The Sermon on The Mount.
    Your studies have helped me tremendously.
    The book of Samuel, 1st and 2nd, has been one of my favorites of the Old Testament.
    Thank you for being a vessel for God to use.

  2. I would like to be a tester for this bible study please. I am currently studying Samuel 1 and it would be really interesting to get a different perspective. I am a mature woman just turned 60, living in Scotland UK .

  3. Hi Kari. I’d love to be a tester. I’m 39 years old and I could do it with my daughter who is in high school.

  4. Hi, Kari, I would like to be a tester too. I am 68 years old, I have done a couple of your studies. I really enjoyed the journal and doodle of the promises of Christmas, I redo it every year.

  5. Hi Kari,
    I would love to be a tester for you! I am a 53 year pastor’s wife and I have a 14 daughter that could join me. I have really enjoyed you sharing your gardening! I have tried container gardening this year as opposed to a usual “big” garden. So many pros 🙂
    Also, I am doing your SOTM workshop right now and I love it. Thank you for all you do. ❤️

  6. I love looking at your BuJo! makes me want to go back to it, but I can’t right now. I’ve got a system that works, so gotta stick to it until its not working anymore. Plus, just too busy to do the drawing out my BuJo would need. Or maybe its a lack of attention on my part? Your lists are inspiring!

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