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  1. This was my favorite cookbook for all of the 28 years that I served in Guinea. I left mine there as it was pretty soiled and someone really wanted it. I need to order a new one as there are some things that I miss

  2. I first found the paper back version, like yours, many many years ago. I bought the spiral bound copy later, but the cover is coming off, I have used it so much. I have also given it as gifts, several times.

    Another cookbook by the same publisher, Simply in Season, is another favorite. They are both excellent cookbooks to have, because they help you use what is in your pantry or what is in your garden.

  3. I tried to send a pic of mine . . held together with clear shipping tape. So I sent for a new one too. The old one was purchased in the 1970’s when a company was on strike. Thank you for telling us!

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