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  1. woot! I took have a 5×5 plan. I plan to take the year to read The Great Tradition and Dante’s trilogy, both their own category. then it’s “the art and science of being a woman”, “classics from my shelves” and “book clubs”. I’m trying to push myself, but then I’m already behind with GT and Dante. blah.

  2. Thanks for the 5×5 plan, already have checked items off. How do you find time to read? I have made a tracker for days reading and it is not helping.

  3. The 5×5 reading challenge has intrigued me since you mentioned it in the last blog post. I think this will help me keep track of my reading better also & challenge me to mix things up. At the end of the year I start thinking “What books did I read? What books did I finish? Did I finish ANY books!?!” Thanks for posting your suggestions. Atomic Habits has been brought to my attention a few times in the last month, so that one is getting added for sure. Thanks for all your posts. Your blog is one of the few that I follow faithfully.

  4. My mom got each of the granddaughters/inlaw Sally Clarkson’s Own Your Life. You may want to consider that or another Sally Clarkson book in your For Sarah category.

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