I call a goal re-do!
You know how exciting it is in January when you think about all the things that you could do and how awesome you will finally be in the new year… and then how you realize that you entered into the new year with the same old you… and your goals seem like a crazy person made them?
Ya, that.
Kari in January was so hopeful. With a little bit of unrealistic. And I crashed and burned and forgot all about the goals.
So I’m calling a do over. And this time I’m setting specific goals, that are smaller, and more reasonable. That way I can still have something to push myself and not wander aimlessly through the rest of the year (like I have been through the first part of the year).
So I’ll post them here, and the plan is that I’ll check in with you once a month. I know, blah blah blah, I always say that. But since I’m trying to be a grown-up blogger with this snazzy new blog, I’m hoping to be awesome this time. So here are my quarter three goals.

I have three months to make a little progress rather than spin my wheels and feel bad at the end of every month.
Spiritual: I need to keep working on Scripture memory. It’s hit or miss, but I need to keep trying to build that habit. I almost have the Lord’s Prayer down, and will continue to work on the cards I have in my Charlotte Mason Scripture memory box.
Recreation: I really enjoy reading a fiction book in the summer since I rarely read fiction anymore. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was recommended by a friend, so I’ll give it a try this summer.
Home: There are SO MANY THINGS we have to do in the house. But repainting the doors will cost me a gallon a paint and elbow grease. I can do that. I just need to make a plan and stick to that plan. I’ll look for doorknobs at the ReStore and see if I can save money that way.
Personal: Ugh. I have to lose weight and cannot allow myself to just give up. I’m going to log my food on the Lose It app, even if I go over in my calories. I’ve got to keep killing this sin (with lots of prayer). And keep walking with Walk at Home.
Relationships: I often tend to make productivity a more important thing than relationships. So I’m going to be intentional about inviting others over and continue to build the habit.
Blog: I’m working hard on the first Continuing Education course and I want to launch class one by the end of September! But I have a ton of work to do before then, and I need to break it down so it’s not a last minute rush. And I’m still working on moving over the old blog posts and will redirect from the old blog to this shiny new one!
Finances: I’ve got to record all expenses, just like recording all my food. It doesn’t help my budget to just ignore all the random spending I do here and there, just like it’s not helping my waistline to not log the little snacks here and there.
These are all going to have to take a lot of prayer, and I’ll be putting these in the front of my prayer binder to pray over too. My plan is to update you at the end of July with how it’s all going!
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I am so glad you posted this – I could have written word for word what you wrote :(. I am going to restart my bullet journal today and reset on my goals – thanks for the encouragement to do just that.
Awesome! Check in with me at the end of the month when I check in with you!
I love your material and ordered Watching Jesus the first day I saw it. Also purchased the original 15 books together as a set. I took a break with my blog and podcast due to 2 deaths in the family and want to begin with the Gospel of Matthew when I re-start next week.
Wanted to mention I grew up with A Tree Grows in Brooklyn so didn’t really understand it at my age then. Still love it. I also seldom read novels.
Was going through old papers and found an article by Daniel Wychor dated 10/4/2008. Website was Christian Weight Loss. Title was 6 words that stopped him from overeating. “Thank you, Lord, for this nourishment.” He had begged God for help. He was to say those words before every bite. I told someone else and they found a Youtube interview with him as the topic.
I tried this myself . . it surprised me how often I ‘forgot’ to do it. Still working on it.
Your video with your sister-in-law about bullet-journaling for prayer caused me to make one for myself. I watched that video 3 times. You are doing a great job . . thank you!! Joyce
I didn’t make any goals for this year, other than to study my Bible every day. This is a good goal, and I’ve kept it up and enjoy it, in part because of your Journal and Doodle Studies. I’ve had trouble memorizing verses, finding a way that works for me. I was able to memorize The Lord’s Prayer by writing it down and posting it by the kitchen and bathroom sinks. Every time I washed my hands, I recited The Lord’s Prayer. I did this last year, 2020, so you know how often we washed our hands! I’m going to try a Scripture Memory Box, so thank you for that. I have read “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” a number of times and I love it! I hope you’ll get to it. Last thing – I’m so glad you included having friends and family for dinner!
Kari, WOW! You’re amazing and so very real. Thanks so much for that!
Goals are a struggle for me, weight loss goals especially. Little “cheats” have helped me. What I call cheats are things that aren’t formal exercise but help me easily burn a few extra cals. For example, if you have stairs, whenever you have to go up or downstairs for something, just do it twice (the walking up and down part). Each time you use the bathroom, do 2-5 squats (after is easier than before). Also, you can do arm stretches while you make “progress” in the bathroom. Finally, dancing is great exercise. House cleaning tunes on blast! 🙂
Thanks for all you do!