{a decade of Bullet Journals} Working the System
So now that we have the year calendar pages and first month of the bullet journal set up (see that here) we move on to how to actually work the system so we can benefit from it, and setting up the weekly pages (I’ll share that next week)!
For me, I need to have written out routines for how to work my bullet journal because for some reason, my mind forgets and each week it’s as if I’ve never done it before, and I don’t want to figure it all out again, and get afraid I’m leaving something out, so I just don’t do anything. So, to avoid all that mess, I’ve written out my routines on 3×5 cards that I keep in the pocket at the back of my bullet journal and pull out every day and every week.
You could probably write these routines down on a bullet journal page somewhere, but I like having a physical card I can pull out. These cards have changed many, many times over the years. Obviously my morning routine was dramatically different when I was homeschooling, or when the boys were toddlers. (I might dig some old ones out and share those in a future post. If you’re interested, let me know in the comments below.)

my routine details
My morning routine right now it is based on using pomodoros to keep myself on track. I usually start up this YouTube video (or this one) and let it play in the background so the timing is automatic with cozy background ambiance. I’ll do whatever item is on my list for 25 minutes, then take a 5 min break and do a quick home chore (empty the dishwasher, tidy up the living room, put in (or switch) a load of laundry, feed the chickens, etc), then get back to the next item on the list for 25 minutes.
See, the truth of the matter is that since I’ve finished homeschooling my boys and don’t have things that have to get done by a certain time in the day, week, or year, I am astonishingly amazing at frittering away my time. Since I’m working at home, I need even more of a schedule to avoid the “watch another YouTube video, check the the news, read a book rut.” I would have never guessed it would be this way! So I’ve got to structure my mornings well if I want to accomplish anything.
Here’s the breakdown of the first card, which is my morning routine for now.
- SA = typing the Susan Allibone book for 25 minutes
- SA = same as above
- Devo read = Devotional Bible Reading plan (I’ll talk more about this next week)
- Pray 1st 3 = praying through the first three sections in my Bible journal
- Blog = 25 minute pomodoro working on writing or editing a blog post
- Blog = same as above
- Prov/mem/brkfst = Continue writing out Proverbs for my youngest son/work on my Scripture memory/eat breakfast
- 1 Pet = work on formatting and writing the 1 Peter Journal and Doodle study for 25 minutes
- 1 Pet = same as above
- *margin* if I get off track I can use this to partially recover, and if I’m mostly on track, I can use it for whatever, or just keep moving on with the plan and finish my morning early.
- Bible Study = Work on studying the Bible for my own understanding, currently studying in 1 Peter 3
- Pray last 6 = Praying through the last 6 sections in my prayer binder (other people and family)
- Then it’s lunch time, where I’m going to try to eat lunch and read whatever I’m reading in my continuing education journey.
Evening routine
- Clear and tidy desk (this is the desk I do most of my morning work at, and if it is a disorganized mess when I wake up, my day seems to go that way too.)
- Clear hot spot – This is from FLYlady. There are areas in my home that always collect stuff that I need to put away. So I want to spend just 5 minutes clearing an area and putting things back where they belong. (Right now, those hot spots seem to be the top of the chest freezer in the garage and the cart by the end of my desk.)
- Check to make sure the clothes washer is empty and any wet clothes are moved to the dryer and started.
- If there is something I can do for breakfast prep, I should do it (get out meat from the freezer, mix up baked oatmeal, or even just think about breakfast tomorrow).
- Put kitchen to bed. I love this video and am trying to get in this habit, but sometimes it’s just making sure I have the dishwasher programmed to run.
- Fill water bottles
- Check calendar/bujo. I really need to develop this habit too, so I can remember what is going on tomorrow and not miss appointments or deadlines.
- Add to memories page in my bullet journal. I really love looking back on these pages and really want to stay consistent here.
- Plan tomorrow morning’s pomodoros by looking at my blog schedule and seeing what’s next, then also planing my top 3 for the day, and if I have a lot going on, making a time block for when I’ll do all the things.
Weekly Home Blessing
This is about an hour or two once a week where I do some whole house cleaning. There’s more information here from FLYlady. Mine takes over an hour because I added in taking care of the pets too. But it still doesn’t take all day, just an hour or two and it’s done.
Weekly Review
This is perhaps the hinge that everything rests on. If I don’t do this, I eventually slip off the bullet journal train and everything falls apart. This is where I keep my mind clear, put things on the calendar, set up the next week, review what I still have to do, and try not to forget that I set some goals for the year. This should take maybe an hour, I hope, and my goal is to try to do this on Friday’s as part of my top 3 for that day. If I don’t get to it Friday, then I have a catch up chance on Saturday.
So, with all that, I just need to be intentional about doing these and not forgetting or skipping them! If you have any questions leave them below. Also, I’d love to hear what kind of routines you have in place or are hoping to implement! Share them below.
I have my various routines (which are all much shorter! but I’m still homeschooling with school aged kids at home) on post its that I stick on the cabinet over my coffee area or over my work area. I need that visual to remember what is next as I’m still building these routines.
I need to work on my weekly review. Its barebones right now and maybe needs to stay that way since we’ll be moving house in January. But this is a linchpin in my week and without it, I’m just lost! I don’t have a written list of what I do in my weekly review and being reminded of how much that visual reminder helps me stay focused…. I might just need to do that.
PS. I’m loving the Harry Potter Pomodoro videos. So fun!
hahaha! Me too!! Did you figure out a weekly review?
I’m really enjoying this content. I appreciate that you’re spelling it all out in bite-sized chunks for those of us who like specifics but also leaving so much room for creativity for those of us who like that freedom. I’ve been perusing many of your bullet journal posts from the past looking at how your process has evolved and taking notes, but this is equally as helpful. Thanks!
Glad I can help!