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  1. I have my various routines (which are all much shorter! but I’m still homeschooling with school aged kids at home) on post its that I stick on the cabinet over my coffee area or over my work area. I need that visual to remember what is next as I’m still building these routines.

    I need to work on my weekly review. Its barebones right now and maybe needs to stay that way since we’ll be moving house in January. But this is a linchpin in my week and without it, I’m just lost! I don’t have a written list of what I do in my weekly review and being reminded of how much that visual reminder helps me stay focused…. I might just need to do that.

  2. I’m really enjoying this content. I appreciate that you’re spelling it all out in bite-sized chunks for those of us who like specifics but also leaving so much room for creativity for those of us who like that freedom. I’ve been perusing many of your bullet journal posts from the past looking at how your process has evolved and taking notes, but this is equally as helpful. Thanks!

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