My 2022 Bullet Journal set up
I’m back in a Bullet Journal and it feels so good! I spent the last couple weeks looking at layout ideas and reviewing my old Bullet Journals (I started in 2014 and have 8 years worth now!) and figuring out what to keep and what to toss.
I decided to keep things simple and stick with what I know I’ll use. When I was looking through some of my old bullet journals I realized how much the characters my sons and I created years ago popped up on the pages. Some drawn by me, some drawn by them. So I thought my theme for this year would be mainly doodling them, the Agents of P.Y.L.O.N. We still have fun talking about all their personalities and what they are doing. They are such a part of who we are, that this year is dedicated to them.
I started out right away in my bullet journal with the future log. (I’m sticking with the Leuchtturm 1917 again, this time in Port Red.)

I printed mini calendars, cut them out and glued them in. Here is where I decided which Agent would star in that month. Of course DayGlo the Accountant had to be in April for tax season. I don’t include January in my future log because if there’s a January date it’ll go right onto my January calendar. Most of these spreads are inspired by Rylee Autumn. I love how simple and organized her Bullet Journals are and she has a TON of content!

Pylon is the mascot for January. He is the “leader” of the Agents of P.Y.L.O.N. but doesn’t ever do anything since he discovered coffee. Coffee gets 100% of his attention and nothing else. So this month will feature ample “coffee rings” (drawn with my Tombow brush markers) and lots of Pylon’s Polaroid pictures of coffee and his selfies with coffee. Here I have my January mini calendar and a memories page to fill in with some doodles or a few notes about things that happen during January.

My January calendar along with my blog plans and weekly focus.

My menu list to fill in. I use the “skeleton” at the bottom and it makes it super fast to plan meals that way. And I’m still working on my goals (post coming up soon).

And my first weekly dashboard, that I’m sure will develop and change more as the months go on, and then my first daily pages.

In the back of my bullet journal I made a few of the pages that I consistently use. Here is all the notes on our vehicles and what maintenance or repairs we’ll do this year. And my super useful Gift Ideas page. This year I was able to surprise one of my sons with something he forgot he wanted because I wrote it down months before when he mentioned it. Win!

I have made and used a similar zone tracker before and I love it. I never complete all the areas of each zone every week, but this way I can see which ones I did do and make sure every area has been covered eventually.

And finally I ended with the last zone and a period tracker. That’s it for the set up and start of a new year. My plan is to update you each month by doing an end of month review and the new monthly set up.
If you guys keep a bullet journal I’d love to hear what spreads and pages you use most.
I love the doodles Kari! So fun that you created them with your kids. You are an art homeschool family too. Small question, what is the number beside the FLY zone?
Oh, that’s the number of the zone for that week. Week 1 is zone 1, etc. If you click on the FLYlady link in the post she has all the information there!
Kari – where can I locate any update from this post? 🙂 Love what you have set out. I couldn’t find you on Google – I just happen to read something else and did a search for Bullet Journal. I’d love to share with my Christian Bujo group on F/bk 🙂