Author: kari

Finish 2022 Strong

Finish 2022 Strong

It’s November again and that means looking around the house and checking my goals to see what I can make a big push to finish. We have two and a half more weeks in November and I’m going to try to finish three outstanding projects that aren’t too huge, but will require intentional effort. Project…

{Week 45} 2023 Bullet Journal plans, preserving garden produce, and goals update
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{Week 45} 2023 Bullet Journal plans, preserving garden produce, and goals update

Bullet Journal plans for 2023 Next year will be my 10th year of bullet journaling! A decade of my life is now recorded in Bullet Journals. So, I was thinking that’s a pretty big milestone, and based on all the questions and comments I’ve gotten over the years, maybe 2023 will be a good time…

{Sermon notes} Spiritual Depression 09-Laborers in the Vineyard

{Sermon notes} Spiritual Depression 09-Laborers in the Vineyard

This is the ninth sermon by the late Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in a series he preached titled Spiritual Depression. In these sermons he’s getting to the root causes of what he calls “Miserable Christians,” Christians who struggle for various reasons with depression or lack of joy in their daily lives. In this sermon the Doctor…