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  1. I would love to be part of this. If the snippets of her writing you included in this post are any indication of the larger work, this book has much to offer the modern Christian woman.

  2. hi Kari I would be honoured too. I read a lot of books and have on a couple of occasions contacted publishers with errors within the texts. What an amazing thing you are doing and I would like to be a part too.

  3. OH MY GOODNESS – YES YES YES!!!! Yes! This would be awesome. Sunshine
    PS I would totally love a video tour of Mrs. E’s library – I LOVE seeing other people’s libraries – one time Paul Washer did a tour of his library and it was awesome. I spent so much time pausing, writing down titles 💚

  4. Dear Kari
    I also would love to help . . . but I looked on Amazon and found recent hardbacks, paper backs and Kindle for this book and they are all under copyright. I didn’t want to be the one who told you, but knew it was necessary. They appear genuine in coming from the original early source. Joyce

    1. A couple of things apply here (as best I understand them) as to when you can republish a public domain work:

      1. “The duration of copyright in the work has expired — In the U.S., for example, the copyright in a book expires 70 years after the death of its author.” This book’s compiler, and Ms. Susan Allibone, the subject of the book, lived over 170 years ago.

      2. The scanned copies of the books currently available on Amazon do not have a new protected copyright status: “After a book (or any copyrighted work, such as music, or art) is in the public domain, it cannot be pulled back into copyright status by republication. You may, however, copy, translate, republish it, even add new material to create new works. The new work would become a work derived from the original.”

      3. “Any book published prior to 1923 is available [in the public domain], as these works are automatically considered within the public domain. “

  5. I would love to help – my husband is a self-published author (through our tiny publishing company), so I’ve developed strong skills in both line editing and book design. Please count me in!

  6. If it ends up for sure being out of copyright, I’d love to help too! With all the above comments, looks like you’re on your way to maybe even getting two different sets of eyes on them. 🙂

    1. Hi Lori, Thanks for the link. I’ve updated my blog post with all the copyright legal info that pertains to this book and the one you linked. Thank you for looking out for me!

  7. What an awesome idea! I would love to help! Her struggle with chronic, debilitating, pain definitely strikes a chord. I am looking forward to reading and learning from her.

  8. Wow, what a response you have received in such a short time! If you already have more than enough extra eyes, I certainly understand. I love the depth of writers from the past. It is always an encouragement to me that the Lord’s work in people’s lives is the same – whether it is written today or hundreds of years ago. It would be my blessing to help, if you still need it!

  9. I think it is a wonderful idea. Praise God as He is leading you again in another venture to share Him and His word. It is very exciting. I will pray for you and all of your proofreaders. God Bless. Pat

  10. The experts of this book were so inspiring! I would not be very helpful in the proofreading, but I am interested in the finished work! Sounds exciting!

  11. Wow! You have an abundance of help already! I was a little late to the party (seeing your post). I understand if you already have too many eyes, but I’d love to be a part of this too. I have some editing skills as well. These excerpts of her writings that you included in your post are definitely intriguing and thought provoking. Regardless, I’d love to read the book for sure and definitely interested in the tour. Your friend (and mine) Cori Spieker is always talking about loving the books of “Old Dead Guys”. Perhaps she needs to add “Old Dead Girls” to the mix as well. 😉 Thanks for the opportunity!

  12. Oops, my comment posted as anonymous 😆 I would love to help if you still need additional people. Sounds exciting.

  13. How is it I’m coming to this so late?! I’d love to help if you still need it! What a fabulous opportunity!

  14. I would be happy to help as well. Many hands make light work. 🙂 Thank you for doing this – it sounds fascinating.

  15. I would love to be a part of this and help you! What an amazing find! Please count me in if you still need more people!

  16. I just spent the last hour going through the classes and listening to Mrs. E’s workshop on American Literature! Wow! I learned more about American Literature and the progression of worldviews than I ever have in my life!! I am going to start it over and listen again and take notes!!

    How blessed your boys were to have her for their teacher! I would love to sit under her and soak up her heart and knowledge myself!! Thanks so much for sharing her work!! I am absolutely enthralled and will be going through all of it myself before attempting to pass it on to my grandchildren!! I wish my own children could have learned this too! Just amazing! Please let her know when you see her next that she is much appreciated!!

  17. I noticed you added [sic] after the “an” in the first quote. It is not necessarily incorrect to have an there. I learned this from my social teacher who had a French background. Because H can be silent and is followed by a vowel an is used. I share that because I experience you as a lover of knowledge not as a criticism.

  18. Wow! This is an exciting project, Kari! I’d love to join in, too, if it’s not too late.

    Blessings for a beautiful Christmas!

    ~ Kim

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