{Susan Allibone Project} Proofreading call for Chapter 6
You guys, thank you so much for your help so far on this huge project! There were some major snags with formatting this project for publication and I’ve basically had to start from the beginning again. In all honesty, that has been overwhelming. But little by little, I’ve started the reformatting process and hope that it will be the final adjustment. So, now that I’ve started to get my head wrapped around that, I’ve finally uploaded chapter 6 for proofreading. When you have time, would you mind proofreading it?
If you can help edit this chapter, here’s what to do, as you have time:
- I’ve uploaded chapter 6 onto Google Docs here.
- Sign into your Google account then click the links above to access the document.
- Read through the chapter and check for any typos. (Keep in mind it was written in the 1850s so some of the words and grammar are a bit antiquated.)
- When you find a typo or mistake, you can double click to highlight the word and it will pop up with options for you to suggest edits or add a comment. Please use either way mark it. It will also show if someone else has added that so you don’t have to, and it will keep it all neat and tidy rather than emailing me or trying to describe where the typo is.
- Google automatically saves the document for me so you don’t have to worry about that.
- Keep in mind, this is not the final format of the book. The final one will have space for your own notes, illustrations, and annotations added, plus links to all the books she mentions!
- If you have any questions, thoughts, or comments leave them below or add them as a suggestion on the document. I love interacting with you guys as you edit! I’ve learned so much and am so thankful for you!
Thank you so much for your help! I will keep adding to these links here, for easier reference. Feel free at any time to go back to any of the chapters and add thoughts or suggestions. They are all live and able to be edited until I hit “publish” in March or April!