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  1. i got my 5×5 set up today. categories!
    1. Great Traditions. (yes the whole book over the year)
    2. Dante’s trilogy (over the year)
    3. Art & Science of being a woman
    4. Reading with others
    5. classics from my own shelves

  2. Oh my goodness, yay! This year I plan to study 1 & 2 Peter, and I did your John, 1,2,3 John doodle studies last year and in 2022 so I’m excited to hear that you’re planning a doodle 1 Peter study! I’m also going to do the 5×5 challenge, (I just printed it out before I read your post) and here are the categories I’ve decided on: classics, biographies, parenting/homeschooling, sci-fi & commentaries.

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