Sticky Note Thoughts-Be Watchful
Every once in a while, in my personal Bible study, I take a biblical term or theme and think about what it actually means, and what it would look like lived out in life. This time I did it on “be watchful.”
When I do this, I make three columns; the left column is neglecting it, the middle is occasionally doing it, and the far right is deliberately doing it. Then I start filling in the columns with what each might look like.

In writing these out, I find out that most of the time I’m hanging out on the middle or far column. The right column is where I want to be. How do I get over to that column? It’s not trying harder to do better (that’s the middle column). There’s only one way: repentance.
This is spot on! After a knee injury and while awaiting recommendations from the surgeon, I find myself clearly in the
not watchful category. I desperately want to be in the right column and trusting in God to get me there. I love your meditations, they speak to me.