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  1. Kari, this is fabulous AND SO TIMELY! Our growth group is covering the “spiritual disciplines” and meditation is our topic in a few weeks. I love the “neglect / casual / deliberate” focus as a way to pause, ponder, meditate on God’s Word! Thank you for sharing…. keep up the good work.

  2. This is so fantastic!!! So relatable with comparing it to the garden. I am printing this off & sharing with a gardening girlfriend tonight at church. Thanks again and again for all that you do for us!!!

  3. I love this post, the explanation, and examples. It is super helpful to see what it is walked out – I love when Bible teachers do that – it gives the person learning a concrete way to walk out the lesson. Thanks for posting this. Sunshine

  4. Perfect timing because my Bible study group is studying 1st and 2nd Peter right now. I love God’s timing! This is such a great lesson for us all and very well thought out. Thank you for opening your heart up to us. I pray it will bless you because you were obedient to share and obey it:)

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