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  1. THANK YOU for this, Kari, it’s very helpful. I appreciate that you share examples and this is intended to be “off grid” ☺️

  2. I’ve used a similar method off and on for years, thanks for sharing the specifics of yours. Looking forward to that off-grid cabin Bible retreat!

  3. This is great Kari. I love “off the grid” Bible Study. The other day I was sharing in a small group I was in about a Bible Study I was doing with some women and immediately I was asked, “What book are you using?” My answer: The Bible. We Westerners are so programmed to think we need all these helps to study the Bible. We just need to open the Word, pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and have a good think/ examine it, etc.
    I have a super simple 30 seconds or less way to share your testimony if you are interested in it.

  4. Thank you.
    Very inspiring. I also study THE BOOK!
    And read multiple chapters a day. Occasionally prayer journal. I like these starting words…will implement.

  5. Hi there. How do we find the rest of your Off-Grid series, please?? I would love to read through the next 4 points!! Thank you for being a blessing 🥰

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