{Off-Grid Bible Study} Five easy journal prompts for any chapter
I have a new series for you that should be a lot of fun. It’s titled “Off-Grid Bible Study” because you can do any of these methods without having to watch a video, access the internet, be on your phone, or be online at all. I firmly believe the less times we spend on screens, the better we are. (I realize the irony in that statement as you are reading this post online.)
Today I want to share off-grid method number one, it’s simple and anyone can do it, even younger kids, so you homeschool moms can try this along with your kids for your Bible time.

Read * I notice * I wonder * I should * I need * Praise
- Read: whatever section you are on for that day. (Currently I’m reading through the Bible in a year, and I’ll read that day’s Scripture. If you’re not on any sort of reading plan, pick a book of the Bible and read through it–don’t just pick random verses, commit to going through one book. You can use this method after reading just one page in your Bible, or one chapter, or multiple chapters.) After reading, narrow it down to a verse or two that stood out from that reading.
- I notice: Write down everything you notice about the verse and the context around it.
- I wonder: Write down any questions you might have. Questions can be about any number of things, for example it might be something you don’t understand and want to look up (don’t do it now though, save that for after you are done with your page, so you don’t get sidetracked looking something up online, we’re doing this off-grid!) or it could be a question that encourages self-examination, like this example was for me above (the highlighted section at the bottom.)
- I should: What should you do with this verse? How should you apply it? What actions do you need to take? Do you need to apologize? Change habits? Study something? Write down a task? Pray?
- I need: Here’s where you examine what you wrote above and ask God for help. Then, write down practical things you might need to be able to do what you need to do. For example, on a previous study, I ended up realizing that I need to be able to share the gospel quickly (like a 30 second elevator pitch), and also how to share it more thoroughly, and how to share it directly from the pages of the Bible. That’s a task* that I have down to think through and practice!
- Praise (and thanksgiving): I end my time here with praise for who God is and what He has done and will do. I tend to get very task oriented and forget both to ask Him for help, and to thank Him for it! So here I can spend time thanking Him and looking to Him instead of myself.
- Notes: at the bottom if I have room/time. I will sometimes write notes, etc. This is also a good time to look up any info you wanted to research. Possible a definition of a word, or a commentary or two.
*If you end up with an actual task or thing you need to do, write it in your planner or on a 3×5 card or wherever you keep track of things you need to do–and thus grow in being a doer of the Word, not just a hearer. If God brings something to your mind, seek to quickly obey and act on it. I love the example of Joseph in Matthew chapter one. He heard the angel and as soon as he woke up, he set about obeying!
THANK YOU for this, Kari, it’s very helpful. I appreciate that you share examples and this is intended to be “off grid” ☺️
Thanks Kari – I love the concept of this off-grid series!
I’ve used a similar method off and on for years, thanks for sharing the specifics of yours. Looking forward to that off-grid cabin Bible retreat!
This is great Kari. I love “off the grid” Bible Study. The other day I was sharing in a small group I was in about a Bible Study I was doing with some women and immediately I was asked, “What book are you using?” My answer: The Bible. We Westerners are so programmed to think we need all these helps to study the Bible. We just need to open the Word, pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and have a good think/ examine it, etc.
I have a super simple 30 seconds or less way to share your testimony if you are interested in it.
I would be interested in your super simple way if sharing your testimony
I’d love to hear your simple way to share your testimony!
This is awesome, thank you for sharing it.
Thank you.
Very inspiring. I also study THE BOOK!
And read multiple chapters a day. Occasionally prayer journal. I like these starting words…will implement.
Hi there. How do we find the rest of your Off-Grid series, please?? I would love to read through the next 4 points!! Thank you for being a blessing 🥰
This is the first in the series! I’ll be doing more in 2024!