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  1. Just ordered your workshop, Kari, I’m super excited to get started! I wasn’t able to download the free pdf, but requested permission–did you have any trouble when trying to download it? Thank you!

          1. Thanks for the link, I purchased that one. Excited to get started when it arrives. 🙂

  2. Hi Kari! Purchased your workshop last night and finished printing off this a.m. Thank you so much! Really looks like a great study, and must have been a lot of work . . but when I clicked on the first video re. Introduction, it said “can’t be found”.

    1. I ended up purchasing the workshop now. I see how it would be useful to have the book and not just the audio, but I do like having the audio to listen while I follow along in reading. I am also having trouble accessing the video.

      Thanks for this resource! One of the teachers at my church is going through the sermon on the mount, but pretty much academically so I appreciate this study.

    2. Since this is designed as a workshop, the workbook isn’t available by itself. But that’s a great link! Thanks for sharing!

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