How do you really, REALLY grow spiritually?
This is a question I get so many times, from so many women. If you’re reading this blog, you are probably a woman serious about her spiritual life, and discouraged about it at times too. Maybe you’ve tried many different video driven, fill-in-the-blank Bible studies. And they’re good at the moment, but when it’s over you might vaguely remember two or three things… kinda… but not see any real fruit in your life. Maybe you’ve also read some great Christian living books and devotionals that give you a bit to think about while you’re reading, but when the devotional is read and back on the shelf you’re still the same person with the same struggles. While there’s no magic answer that will instantly turn us into an active, unwavering follower of Christ, there is a secret I’ve discovered that has helped me incredibly.
If I can find a way to interact with what I read, everything changes. It helps me remember what I’ve read, think about it during the day when I’m not reading, and see specifically how to apply it to my life in real, tangible ways.
Over the last two years I’ve been working through Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ Studies in the Sermon on the Mount and I’ve developed a journal (and a workshop chock full of goodness) to go along with it. The journal has helped me learn and apply Jesus’ sermon (through Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ book) in a way that has deeply changed me. And not only me, but also dozens of other women and teens who have worked through this amazing book this way.

And it’s finally ready for you now too! I’m so excited to bring you this unique and powerful opportunity to work through the Beatitudes (the first of four workshops going through the book Studies in the Sermon on the Mount). AND, not only is it available, it’s available at HALF OFF through March 23, one week only! You can get the workbook, all the bonus items, and access to the workshop for only $15!
In my next blog post I’ll share some specifics with you on how it has changed me and others and give you some peeks inside the workshop and journal! If you want to know more about the course or Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and the modern pastors who highly recommend him, just click here.
If you want to just jump in and purchase it because you already know it’ll be awesome, click here.
I hope you’ll join me on this amazing journey!
Just ordered your workshop, Kari, I’m super excited to get started! I wasn’t able to download the free pdf, but requested permission–did you have any trouble when trying to download it? Thank you!
What free PDF did you need permission for?
Thanks, Kari, the one here: I’m trying to download the whole pdf from Google Docs. I did reach out to BooksVooks after clicking the link and it saying I didn’t have permission, but have not heard from them yet.
Ya, as far as I can tell it is not available to print out, just read online. A friend did share a copy of the book you can get for much less here:
Thanks for the link, I purchased that one. Excited to get started when it arrives. 🙂
I was wondering about this, too. It says you can download the PDF, but I don’t see a way to do that.
Hi Kari! Purchased your workshop last night and finished printing off this a.m. Thank you so much! Really looks like a great study, and must have been a lot of work . . but when I clicked on the first video re. Introduction, it said “can’t be found”.
Ah ha! figured it out. It should all work for you now! Sorry about the hiccup but THANK YOU!
Is there a possibility of purchasing the workbook without getting the whole workshop? I’m just curious about that.
Also, I think there is a podcast, on iTunes at least, that has someone reading Jones’ book. I have been listening to chapter one this morning.
I ended up purchasing the workshop now. I see how it would be useful to have the book and not just the audio, but I do like having the audio to listen while I follow along in reading. I am also having trouble accessing the video.
Thanks for this resource! One of the teachers at my church is going through the sermon on the mount, but pretty much academically so I appreciate this study.
Try the link again for the workshop. I think I have it up and running now. Thanks!!
Yes, it’s good now, Thanks!
Since this is designed as a workshop, the workbook isn’t available by itself. But that’s a great link! Thanks for sharing!