October Prayer Free Printable!
I’m always experimenting and trying new things in different seasons of life, which is how my Prayer Binder came about. There have been seasons where I just about wear it out, then there are seasons where I want to write or journal things and I use a notebook. But for the last month I’ve been testing a printable half page booklet for prayer and have really enjoyed it and thought I’d share a free one with you to see what you think!

On the front it has a self-examination question from a book written in 1870. Then it has space to fill in all your thanksgiving and praises you have for the month.

On the inside you’ll find a spot for date specific prayers (things like birthdays, surgeries, tests, etc). And then specific categories like: Salvation, family, prayer for yourself that you’ll focus on for the month, friends, missionaries, etc. On the back is space for a special monthly Psalm prayer challenge!
If you’d like to print out your free copy, click below to download! (There’s also a plain black and white version you can download here.)
If you use it, please let me know what you think and if you’d like it to include something else! If you enjoy it, I’ll design one for November too!
thank you so much.
Thank you! I’m looking forward to using it this month!
I love this, thank you! I would love to have one for November if you happen to decide to design one. 🙂 I did try to print it double sided so it was one piece of paper that I folded over to keep in my Bible, but it printed the second side upside down to the first… I manually copied a second one and got it “correct”.
Love the idea and will enjoy using it!
Thanks Michele! When you print double-sided be sure to select “flip on short edge” and that will make it print the correct way. Thank you!
Ahhh! I didn’t know that! Thanks for the heads up!
I grabbed and printed a copy. I’ll let you know how it goes. This looks so nice to use!
YAY! Yes, let me know!
Thank you, Kari!
This looks like a great tool to help me stay close to our Lord. I plan to use it this month, too. I love the Sunday Challenge aspect of it.
Maybe a section for Seeking to Listen – Did I hear any inspirations from the Holy Spirit (this week/month)? Did I act on them? What did I learn?
Thank you for your constancy and faithfulness!
Yes, love that! I was thinking it might be beneficial to make a place with a space to “fill in the blank” for whatever season a person might be in! You could put that there. I’ll add that to the November one!
Thank you so much! I will definitely be using this! And I will recommend it to the young ladies I disciple.
Thank you! Printing, and will be using for sure.
I have been using this print out this month and it has jump started my prayer time. Thank you! I would love to have a November one 😁