2024 prayer binder flip-through + new workbook!
You guys, it has been 10 years–A DECADE–since I started sharing about my prayer binder! Since the first posts, it has pretty much had the same backbone, but many different iterations! In the coming weeks I’ll be sharing more posts about prayer binders but wanted to walk you through what mine looks like today and share a brand new Prayer Binder Workbook I’ve made that will help you put your own together (or update your existing one)!

Quite a few years ago I upgraded my half sized binder from a basic one (I had worn through two previous ones) to this Better Binder by Staples, but it looks like they are no longer available. Fortunately there are some pretty cute new options available on Amazon now though. I love this linen look half size binder, or these bright floral ones. Just search for “half sized” or “mini” binders and you’re sure to find something that fits your style!

The tabs in my prayer binder are the same as they’ve been for years (and the same that you’ll find in the Prayer Binder Workbook). The first is “praise” and here I put verses, hymns, quotes and anything that helps me center my thoughts on praise, worship and thanksgiving. Here’s a look at some of what is behind my praise tab. It’s a mess, but it’s a real workhorse that has been with me through years of prayers. It’s real, not pretty.

The next section is “rest.” I think I can honestly say this is probably my favorite section. This is where I think through my sighs and turn them into prayers. Sometimes I get here and read that sticky note on the right asking me “What seems like a burden?” and realize that I’ve been fretting or stressing over something that I haven’t really prayed about. (Any of the sticky notes that say SA are taken from the Susan Allibone memoir. I am currently working on creating printable sticky notes of them that are so pretty that you’ll be able to print off and put in your own binder!)

After I’ve thought through my “rest” tab, I flip to the next one, “confess.” My prayers naturally flow there anyway.

Included in the workbook (but not pictured here) is also a page of self examination questions that you can print out and put in this section to help you consider and reflect. It also includes some beautiful poems to print out and put in here taken from the puritan book Valley of Vision.
The next section is “petition.” Again this flows naturally from my confess section. After I confess, I need to ask God for the grace and help I need.

In the petition section is this page of questions that I’ve worked on and added to for years. It helps me consider hard situations and pray and think through what I should do. I made a free printable of these questions here.

The next section is praying for others. In this section I have the small sticky notes that I stick to a blank page and write people’s names or prayer requests on (they are blank here for an example). I always try to date these requests too because…

I keep them in the back of this section as pages and pages of answered prayers. They are a good reminder to me because I’m so apt to forget! The workbook includes pages to print out and fill up with your own answered prayers sticky notes so you won’t forget either!

This next section is totally optional but I made it for myself because some of the hardest roads I’ve walked down is with friends who have children who have walked away from the Lord. It’s heavy, so I fill this with truth and hope!

The last sections in my binder are tabs for my husband and each of my sons (and their families as they become husbands and fathers). Some people who aren’t married make tabs to pray for parents or siblings or a future spouse. Some who have large families put groups of children together, or some have a section for all their children and another for grandchildren. You can set these last sections up however you see fit, it is endlessly customizable!
That’s it for my prayer binder flip through! If you’re interested in creating your own prayer binder, the Prayer Binder Workbook is now available! In it I walk you through how to set up your own binder, and give you lots of ideas, verses to include and even pages to cut out and hole punch and put in your own binder.

The workbook is available as an instant access digital download and it is super easy to print out on your own home printer (printing instructions included). It is half-page sized and prints on regular letter sized printer paper.

If you have any questions for me, please leave them below as I’ll compile them and put them into a Q&A post where I’ll answer all your burning questions!
I can say that this prayer binder has been through a lot of prayers and praises and struggles with me over the decade that I’ve been using it. It has stood the test of time and I’m so glad I have it. Later this month I’ll be sharing another post of a friend of mine who made one and how she uses it!
Find the workbook here and get yours set up today!
I must have made my binder not too long after you made yours. Its old and duct taped along all the seams and edges. I know I made mine from you instructions. I’ve loved it and even though I don’t pray through it as often as I like, its such a sweet time when I do take the time to pray through it. Might be a good time for a renovation!
I know I go through periods when I don’t use mine and just pray from a list, but I do love having it there when I start to struggle with prayer. Then I can just pick it up and start using it again!
mine is a full size binder. I started mine when I started standing for my marriage back in 2011, so I have full letter size pages of things from one of the organizations I found when I first learned to stand. I am going to purchase your workbook though! I could use a mini/half binder to keep with me.
I have several cute half binders I’ve found brand new at thrift stores for .25 cents that I need to put to use!
Does the Workbook have instructions for how you made your page dividers? Those are super cute!
I also love the
Also, to those who have had to tape bindings. I had to do this with one of my hardcover inductive study Bibles. Also with many of my hardback and paperback commentaries & etc. I’ve been using carpet tape. It’s very wide, to cover a large study bible & thick, but not too thick, so it can handle some wear and its clear so that I can read through it.
Hi Sharon! No, I don’t have instructions for my tabs. They were hacked together with microsoft word. I should do a tutorial on them sometime though!
@Sharon: thanks for that tip regarding carpet tape!
Kari, I purchased your prayer binder workbook last night and am reading through it this morning. I have a question regarding a Scripture reference on page 9. I don’t understand 2 Chronicles 20:14 with regard to Praise. Am I reading this correctly?
LOL You’re right! That’s totally the wrong reference! It’s supposed to be 2 Chronicles 7:14!! Thanks for the catch!!
Thanks! I was reading the above comments. I put a prayer binder together from your postings years ago. I made those tabs then and I like them a lot. This post has renewed my desire to update and use the binder more intentionally.
Thank you.
Hi Kari,
I made my prayer binder years ago from your instructions(currently on my 3rd) My first two were A4 binders which were beautiful but most of the time overwhelming as I used to cram them full of decorations, quotes and prayers from all over the net. As years went by I trimmed my binder into sections that are relevant and meaningful to me and since moved to an A5 binder which I still use almost everyday.
I purchased the workbook last night with the intention to revamp my current one. The two sections I do not have on my current one and was hoping to include are “rest” and “prodigal”.
I am not sure if it is just me but I found it very frustrating and after last night and the whole of today I had to abandon the whole project. (sad face)
I found it difficult to follow the logic of the workbook since the numbering is not logical. The general information about what the prayer binder is and how to set it up is mixed up with the actual pages that must be included in the binder. Some pages are numbered and some are not. It is not clear to me even where it say “cut here and include” which page does it refer to or if it is both – esp. where information on both pages does not seem to flow into each other.
It will be handy and less frustrating if all pages are numbered and there is a distinction of which pages are meant to be cut out and included in the binder, which pages are general info on how to use the binder and which ones are set-up instructions.
Thanks for your comment. I always appreciate feedback. I’ll relook at the booklet and see if I can make it a bit clearer. Thank you!
I have a question about the dividers. On what is your previous blog, I assume, (https://www.stonesoupforfive.com/2019/02/prayer-binder-challenge-week-1.html) it says … “Make your own printable (on cardstock) customizable tabs like the ones I use by using the Word document template found in the Subscriber Bonuses tab. (In order for this to format properly, when you open the file, you must click the link at the top that says “open with Microsoft Office Word.”) The font I used is Beautiful Mess.”
Is that template available? I subscribed but didn’t find it.
Kari, Thanks so much for posting an update for your prayer journal! I just love to look at what you’ve added and to discover more things to add to mine. I first made mine years ago, copying and styling mine closely to yours and I have truly used and enjoyed it so much! It’s so useful and I just love spending time in it! Just wanted to thank you and let you know how very valuable your example and instructions have been to me in my prayer life! Bless you for your heart for prayer and your help for the rest of us! ❤️