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  1. woot! I took have a 5×5 plan. I plan to take the year to read The Great Tradition and Dante’s trilogy, both their own category. then it’s “the art and science of being a woman”, “classics from my shelves” and “book clubs”. I’m trying to push myself, but then I’m already behind with GT and Dante. blah.

  2. Thanks for the 5×5 plan, already have checked items off. How do you find time to read? I have made a tracker for days reading and it is not helping.

  3. The 5×5 reading challenge has intrigued me since you mentioned it in the last blog post. I think this will help me keep track of my reading better also & challenge me to mix things up. At the end of the year I start thinking “What books did I read? What books did I finish? Did I finish ANY books!?!” Thanks for posting your suggestions. Atomic Habits has been brought to my attention a few times in the last month, so that one is getting added for sure. Thanks for all your posts. Your blog is one of the few that I follow faithfully.

  4. My mom got each of the granddaughters/inlaw Sally Clarkson’s Own Your Life. You may want to consider that or another Sally Clarkson book in your For Sarah category.

  5. Kari, All the reading you do you also watch tv or get on www? I would love to read more and I guess it must be a matter of choice. My hubby watches tv all the time and if I want to spend time with him it has to be in front of the tv. I feel so isolated with I go to my study and just read. Hubby does read to me from time to time and I just love it. TV is such a waste but can’t break away from it. you have any hint?, it would be so appreciated, blessings Patty

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