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  1. I love these pages!!! Keep doing them and sharing. They are so informative and beautiful.
    BTW – I could sit and watch homesteading videos all day long! – Kathy

  2. Love your writing and your drawings! . . how in the world do you get so much done? Does your drawing ability come natural or did you take classes? Keep it up, please . . .

  3. Your journals are always an inspiration! And thank you for the dried tomatoes recipe and uses! It may be worth getting some tomatoes from the local Amish (if they still have any) and drying them! I have dried tomatoes to use as sun-dried tomatoes and they are so good! I will definitely try this as soon as I can get some tomatoes! Thank you, Kari!

  4. saving the tomato powder recipe and the sourdough starter recipe. I need these! I love this idea, but with a 10 yr old and a 5 yr old and homeschooling, I don’t have the time to draw and doodle, or so I tell myself. Maybe I need to change my self-talk.

  5. I wish I had known the dehydrating tomato trick. We had SO many this past year that we couldn’t keep up. I’m writing that down to remember in 2022. Thanks!!

    1. Yes! I’ve been using it in soups instead of tomato paste and it’s wonderful! Works perfectly, no canning, way less room to store. I’m going this way for sauce and paste from now on!

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