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  1. What if you need to start a new notebook before the end of the year? Do you copy all of that down again in the front and back?

    1. I haven’t had to do that, but if I did need to start a new one, I’d probably start my new one with the remaining calendar months for the rest of the year, and only make new back pages if the previous pages were full, otherwise, I’d just keep adding to the previous bullet journal.

  2. You may have already covered this, I’’ve been scattered recently, but does each journal last a full year for you?

  3. I tend to make these pages up on the computer, and then have a master page that goes into my “control journal”, aka Flylady style. I’m slowing getting some of this tracking info together… like car maintenance, lawn mower maintenance, and house things. But I love looking at bujo pages, as they bring fun ideas for the tasks I need to track. This has been fun to look through! Thank you!

  4. Kari, you Menta to anonymous up above comment that you keep adding to the previous journal. If you finished journal one and need more room for remaining months, why would you add to previous journal? And also do you leave the second journal blank if you finished the months for that year?

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