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  1. I often kicked against this and sometimes I still dislike the idea of living a disciplined life. My children are grown now, and looking back , schedule was so important for me and them. and I didn’t realize it. Fortunately, God showed me in some painful ways my need for early morning time in God’s word. (This doesn’t sound like what you are struggling with) When my husband and I made that shift it changed our lives and our kids lives! I am so grateful God brought us to our knees in need of Him! I still have so far to go but your “ugh moments” resound in my spirit as I am being conformed to be like Him.
    Now I am out of the city and surrounded by farmers and ranchers who live on a schedule. There is something scheduled for every month on the farm or ranch. Every day has chores that need done and priorities that are made. There is also rest time!!
    As I read your post it also made me think about God giving us the years. seasons, days and nights all with purpose. The older I get and the closer I get to heaven I am so thankful for the repetition of morning, afternoon, evening, and night as well as summer, winter, springtime and harvest!!!!
    The harvest comes after the toil and rest throughout the year. The sweet sleep comes after a day of hard work. This the smaller breakdown of the day is helpful when I look up at the BIGGER picture of “am I doing this for God’s glory and am I being changed to be like Jesus?”

  2. Second of all, I always look forward to an email saying you have a post, over the years you have given me SO SO SO many great ideas to follow God in my personal life, in my parenting life, and just in life in general. Not to mention, I absolutely love your bullet journal posts!! If you have time – would you show more from August? I need to do a bullet journal post on my blog – I use your Bible one line a day idea, and I am SO excited to try the habit tracker idea now that I understand how to do it, because the designs are SO SO neat. Thank you for posting Pahla B. – I had not heard of her walking/exercise videos on you tube. I have used walk away the pounds for 14 – almost 15 years – and I love Leslie Samsone, but it is good to have something to change it up with. I am not sure if I asked this before, so just ignore it if I did – but have you tried Clean Mama’s routine? She has a weekly and daily routine. Thank you again for posting this – Sunshine

  3. Thanks again, Kari, for your ideas! They almost always give me ideas to work into my own life! I love your tracker system, too! I also loved your thoughts in your January journal about ‘try harder or die better’! So true!

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