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  1. I love looking at your plans. I’ve got plans, too! But I need to finish figuring out where everything will go. And I have one more bed to establish. and beds to top off with compost and mulch. Ah, all the things.

    I just put out 400 onion starts, I did 100 last year and got a good harvest and my beds are in better shape this year. So, going for it. For these root veggies, I know a deep bed that is nicely composted/ organic matter and rathe loamy is what they love. Other root veggies, like beets and radishes are tougher and I think can help improve you soil. All the cover crops, like rye and clover, help that soil get looser. We’ve got heavy black clay in our native soil. Of course its a nasty red clay that got used to grade around the house. but clay holds water nicely, so getting that compost/ organic matter into the soil is important. I’ve found that layering it on top still does this, as the goodness seeps down into the heavy stuff on bottom. I have found digging is just too much for me, and I can’t do much of it in this heavy clay.

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