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  1. Oh gosh, Kari! This is so fun to read! I want to have sour dough starter around, but I’ve never gotten it going or been able to maintain it. Maybe this time… going to read your notes in just a moment. With your first post, I went back through my 2021 goals and thought through them. I did decide to work on some (they are habits to develop, not really goals) and thought through how to do it. I might need to make some more practical *goal* type goals for 2022.

  2. I didn’t see the challenge, but it’s funny how I started doing this lately.
    I use the shredded paper for my compost pile.
    I want to gain control of the unnecessary clutter.
    Peace be with you all <3

  3. Kari,
    I love the paper shredding idea. Quick question that I hope wasn’t asked before and I missed…how many years back did you save? I’m thinking 7…but could be 10…I’m not sure then I save more then I need, or just skip the project all together? The circle of my life!

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