July 2021 Bullet Journal setup
Okay, back at it in the Bullet Journal. July is a fresh start, so here we go! I thought that it might be nice to jot one line a day on what I actually did that day, since so often I get to then end of the day and wonder. So I’ll try that this month.

I am also going to set up my monthly menu when I get a second. I make it easy on myself by having a “formula” that you can see at the bottom of the page. Mondays are chicken dishes, Tuesdays are cheap, Wednesdays are something with beef, Thursdays are a crockpot meal, Friday is pizza night (alternating between homemade pizza, french bread pizzas, frozen, or take out), Saturday is M1F1 (make one, freeze one) days, where I make a recipe that I can double and freeze, and Sunday is something easy or just clean up leftovers if there are any.

A new feature I’m trying is adding a one line a day Bible reading reflection page. Just to help me think about what I’m reading. I’m still working through the 5 day Bible reading plan which has selections from the Old Testament and New Testament, so I’m just summarizing one section of the Old Testament reading here. Maybe next month I’ll do a page for bot the Old and New?
I am not good at keeping up on the Memories page, but on the months I have been I really enjoy looking back on it. My memory isn’t the best for remembering the normal day to day things, and this helps to note the somewhat inconsequential little things that happen that day.

I also need a notes page. I usually have a pad of paper for this, but then I end up with notes on paper everywhere, so this will keep them in one place. I keep this out when I’m reading the Bible and praying because that’s the time when little things pop into my head and distract me. If I can jot them down, then I don’t have to jump onto the computer and look something up or walk away to get something. At least that is how it should happen.

The little calendars on the right page are just to mark my habits that I am really trying to develop in the morning. Hopefully when I check back in at the end of July those will be mostly full!
And, if you guys don’t see me post an update of the bullet journal at the end of the month, that means I’m avoiding it because I didn’t follow through. Please come back to this post and ask me about it! If you help keep me accountable, I’ll be more likely to keep going! THANK YOU!

I like your creativity! I might try just ONE of these ideas for the month! I love to set up the systems but then I don’t have the follow-through to keep it up. 🙁
Will ask the Lord for help!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Love your honesty and desire for accountability. Also appreciate your willingness to try a little different approach, all the while pursuing your relationship with our Heavenly Father. Thank you for sharing and for encouraging me to be productive and accountable.
I have been using post it notes to write down stuff I need to remember to do and as I create a entry for that particular month I can put it on the notes page for that particular month
Entry = Monthly calendar
This post made my day. I look forward to your bujo posts. Totally relate to everything and as usual, you inspired me greatly with your spreads. Brilliant menu ideas (I’ve been trying to come up with a formula— I like yours! Stealing it) and I loved your little mini habit trackers. I like that they’re separate so you can really see which ones you’re doing well on and which you’re avoiding. Also, your new blog is bee—uuuuuu-tiful!!!!!! Love this new season of Ordinary Kari, that title captures you perfectly; although to me, you are anything but ordinary.
I’m really looking forward to seeing your bj posts. I sort of menu plan like you–salad Mon., Tacos Tues, etc.–but I like your broader categories better. I especially like your cook once eat twice on Saturday. I keep my scripture memory work in a separate notebook (though I always write the verse on my planner’s daily page each day), but I think adding a section to my planner will make it easier for meditation. I really like your sticky notes with the meditation info. Thanks for the inspiration!
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