Finish 2022 Strong
It’s November again and that means looking around the house and checking my goals to see what I can make a big push to finish. We have two and a half more weeks in November and I’m going to try to finish three outstanding projects that aren’t too huge, but will require intentional effort.
Project 1 – Prime and paint the bathroom
My goal this week is to get the bathroom primed and painted. It’s been well over a decade since I’ve painted the bathroom and it is in dire need of it. I wiped down the walls and got most of them coated in primer last week. I have to add another layer of primer, paint, and stain the trim. It’s a big job, but not impossible if I am deliberate.

But please take some time to enjoy the 15+ year old blue rag-rolled wall here. It was so pretty and exciting when I did it…
Project 2 – Box up the boys’ physical photos
I bought the photo boxes for the boys, and I’ve finished sorting and culling all the physical photos we have. Now I need to sort them into a rough timeline and get them boxed up for the boys. This will be one of their Christmas presents, so I need to get on it. (I think the digital portion of my photo culling project will have to be one of next year’s goals.)

Project 3 – Put the garden to bed
We’ve had a few good freezes this last week and everything that I haven’t cleaned out yet is getting slimy and gross. It’ll probably take only an hour or so to get the last bit cleaned up, then I can cover the beds with leaves and let them sleep till spring. Also, I did plant my garlic and some broccoli and onion starts, we’ll see how they do.

Now it’s your turn! What do you want/need to get done before 2023? Share below!
Got the beets canned this week. Still need to make some applesauce. And I’m going to try a fermented beet/apple relish!
That all looks amazing and I know you’ll pull it off, Kari!
I’ve been sick this week so, besides a Bday party tonight, I’ll be working on binding a quilt I just finished hand quilting – 10yr long frustrating project. 😣 Also plan to machine quilt another top I already made and attempt a DIY afghan of old sweaters cut into patches and reassembled. These are tagged as Cmas gifts in my mind so we can be intentional about our projects together!
Anonymous’ fermented beet/apple relish sounds magnificent!
Decluttering my house so that we can get our foundation looked at 🙁
Bible studies that I have started and would like to finish – I am terrible about setting something aside for just a bit and before I know it – weeks and sometimes months pass me by.
The Promises Advent study (that you wrote – ha!) with my girls.
I think my major project is getting our house packed up for moving. Hopefully moving in January!
I finished my 5×5 challenge, and I’m working on habits. With littles, I found having year long goals too much to try and keep up with, but neither boy is too little any more! Maybe I have some annual type goals in 2023? (or try I again? I think I tried in 2021 and didn’t do great)