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  1. Kerri! You added the picture of me and the bird! Girl! 🤣🤣🤣
    Welp…if you are from Portland you will totally get this…we put a bird on everything!
    Put a bird on it!

  2. Heather, this post was a blessing and encouragement to me! I made a prayer binder a few years ago using Kari’s as my example and I need to get back to using it regularly. I’ve had a couple of dry prayer years and God has been working on me to get back to it. He’s using you and Kari as part of that. 💕
    Loved the pictures of you. The one in the water tube is genius! And yes…. Turning your good pens into medieval weapons, hahaha.
    Thanks again from a fellow PNW’er ( outside of Seattle).

    1. Michele! Hello fellow PNW’er!

      I totally understand having dry years of prayer. Life happens. We have all been there. What’s so amazing about the journal is that it’s there ready for you to pick up at anytime.
      Just like our father in heaven is there always there. The perfect father waiting for you to take the time to just chat with him.
      I think about a treasured friend who has moved away and we lost contact for some time. When I see her number pop up on my phone I leap for joy. Scrambling to answer! I don’t remember how long it’s been. I’m just overjoyed to catch up. My prayer is that you jump back into prayer and are fill with his perfect peace.
      Sidebar! I’m typing this as my two boys are flying paper planes over my head as they have a conversation about needing more hight and where the ladder is…so remember your prayer journey and time spent may not be Pinterest worthy, but God will use the time sweet friend!


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