{2024 Goals} Part 2 – Family & Home
Each year I set goals in categories: Spiritual, Family (relationships), Home, Work/Ministry, Financial, Physical, Education, and Rest/Recreation. I am planning this year to share monthly updates with how I’m progressing on most of them (I won’t bore you with all of them), and a more detailed quarterly review at the end of each quarter.
I watched a great video over at Redeeming Productvity on goals. I’m working off of his free workbook this year’s goals. Today, I’ll focus on goals I am setting for Family and Home.

2024 Family Goals
- Continue driving up to see our son and daughter-in-law and granddaughter once a month.
- Go on 8 outings with my husband.
- Go to 8 different parks with our granddaughter.
- Family camp in Washington.
- Church camp at the coast.
2024 Home Goals
- Consistent zone cleaning (finish all zone work each quarter).
- Organize and cull files on the computer.
- Paint hall
- Update hall doors
- Paint back bathroom
- Paint laundry room
- Crochet 6 Christmas stockings
- Figure out an automatic drip irrigation system for the garden
- Put up greenhouse.
- Grow a garden with even more tomatoes and corn.
- Can and preserve a years worth of what I grow.
- Research and decide if I will have a little roadside farm stand.
1. We are planning to visit my son and his family once a month.
2. For the outings with my husband we’re going to try to keep them close to home and cheap. It could be historical sites, museums, or hikes on local trails we haven’t gone on before.
3. Our granddaughter is still very young, but she can sit up in an infant swing and be in a stroller, so we’re going to get her started early on outings and explore local parks we haven’t been to.
4 & 5. Gotta do the summer camping trips!
1. For years and years I have followed the FLYlady zone system for cleaning the house. I don’t necessarily need to get through all the cleaning each month, so I’m setting a goal to break it up so I get through the zone once a quarter. There are lots of people on YouTube who use this system who are great to watch. I especially love Diane in Denmark, and all of these!
2. Our poor computer is soooo cluttered with all sorts of stuff that I manually need to cull and organize -especially photos! As it sits right now, Dropbox has 17,662 filed and 1,150 folders. Yikes! And my external hard drive needs to be culled as it’s almost at max storage right now.
3,5,6. I need to paint our hall, back bathroom and laundry room. It’s been way too long since I’ve painted them and they are definitely showing it. This also includes painting the chipped trim.
4. Update our plain hollow core doors. They are all different sizes than what is standard, so none are easy to replace without custom ordering doors, which is beyond our budget, so I’m hoping to do makeovers instead. First I need to decide on the look I want, as there are lots of choices! Here are just a few on YouTube.
7. Last year I crocheted 2 1/2 stockings then ran out of yarn. I thought I could just pick up some more at the store, but in November all the green and red yarn is gone. So this goal is a continuation of my last year’s goal. I’m using this pattern.
8. I need to figure out an affordable automatic drip system for my garden. Does anyone have any advice on where to start?
9. We got a secondhand Harbor Freight greenhouse for free and we just need to put it together and replace a few panels. Need to get this done before February!
10, 11. We had a good year in the garden for some crops (tomatoes and corn especially) and a bad year for others (pickling cucumbers and squash). But we’ve found some recipes we LOVE to have, and that I didn’t make near enough of, so I’ll be growing more of those ingredients this year. This is the BEST homemade canned pizza sauce, and I LOVE this corn relish, and this salsa is the favorite of all in the family.
12. I’m trying to decide if I want to have a little roadside farm stand. Where we live permits me to have one so I’d have to find a plan that includes a built in cash box and a little cooler. Still undecided on this, but I think it would be fun, plus a little income to help pay for the water needed in the garden! (Something like this, or this??)
See my other goals here:
2024 goals Part 1 – Spiritual Goals