1. I am so glad I bought this companion study. I’ve actually had Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ book in my Amazon cart saved for later for a looong time, but finally I got it this past week when I got the workbook study and WOW – it is everything and so much more that I hoped it would be. I found myself going back and rereading this chapter because there is so much in it – and it is only the general introduction! I have read Titus 2:14 many, many times, but this time!! I could NOT believe what treasure is in that verse – I also want to remember that the Beattitudes humble me and are the summation of the “Christian life” you hear quoted all of the time. I LOVE that by the end of the thirteen weeks I will finally understand what exactly it means to live the “Christian life”.

  2. Reinforces that Christ must be enthroned as KING in my life – and with that, the need for the Holy Spirit counsel!! When I think I’ve surrendered I’m reminded how much of His work remains to be done in my life.

    1. YES! Some of my friends and I were just talking about how many layers there are in this “onion” of our lives and how when we think we’re at the center and there is nothing left to peel, the Lord is faithful to show us the next layer He is working on. You are exactly right too, it’s not “trying harder” but always about surrender. His will, not my own. Thanks for sharing!

    2. I resonate so much with this. All my trying harder is dead works. It is a beautiful dance between the Lord and I as I respond to His lead. But, He is faithful to take me to deeper levels of surrender and brokenness.

  3. What I wanted to remember from Chapter 1 is: “The Beatitudes immediately take us into a realm that is beyond the law of Moses completely.” Also, that we need Christ to live the Sermon on the Mount.

  4. What I want to remember is ‘there is nothing more important in the Christian life than the way in which we approach the Bible, and the way in which we read it’. I know he will continue to reinforce that . .
    p s my page ##s are 2-3 higher than yours . . no problem in finding the area though . . & I love your workbook!

    1. Joyce , I feel the same way about the approaching of the Bible and not taking it as just another book because it is the authority for our lives and is all about Father GOD and his plans for us.

    2. I too want to remember that I have to take the Bible seriously and not read it as a chore. For years I have struggled even understanding it and I have a sneaky suspicion that it was because of that very reason. I wasn’t allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to me through the verses I read. I since then have dove in, with the help of Kari’s studies and BSF, I am learning, absorbing, and listening. I just finished a Matthew study and loved the Beatitudes. I can’t wait to see what else I learn for Kari’s study and reading this book.

  5. I was struck by the idea that he says The Sermon on the Mount is nothing but a perfect elaboration of the command to love one another, and this shows me my need for Christ for sure.

  6. Well I am behind everyone else but I finally was able to complete the first week’s reading. Dr. Martyn – Lloyd Jones really helped me to understand that Jesus He cane and He died to enable us to live the Sermon on the Mount and that we absolutely need the new birth of the Holy Spirit to be able to actually live the Beatitudes out because I am completely helpless without the Holy Spirit’s help.

  7. oh Carol, I’m even further behind than you! I’ve read the chapter 2x as I was struggling to find some of the answers. But its so good. That Jesus lived, He died, rose again, and gave us the Holy Spirit so that we can live out these things is so powerful. He doesn’t leave us on our own to try super hard, but He gives us all the power we need to live rightly!

    I was amazed at the ways people try to read the Sermon so that it doesn’t apply to them. I get how its overwhelming and seems like too much and impossible. But to then say that it just doesn’t apply to you? Yeah, I tend towards “all or nothing” and will default to “all”.

    And Dawn, Yes, yes, yes! It made so much sense that this is the full elaboration of loving one another. This is how we love one another. I see my failing in this most clearly with my sons. The 2 of them can drive me batty and I’m pretty sure I’m loving them the way the Sermon calls me to.

  8. This time through the one thing that jumped out at me is this: Jesus died so that I could live this Sermon on the Mount. He is my source of life and strength in this pursuit.

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