1. I’m not sure what to say here, but since this is the first chapter and it is an introduction I will briefly introduce myself.

    I’m jennifer. I live in Central Wisconsin. I am a retired homeschooler and my husband has been retired for just over a year so our lives have slowed down. We live on the same property as our daughter and her family so I often have grandchildren coming in and out, but I have many hours alone since my husband does chores here on our wannabe farm and I am being treated for Chronic Lyme disease.

    I am leading a Bible study at my church that I kind of thought up myself. We are currently going through Philippians, but it only meets twice a month. I was so impressed by Kari’s talking about this book that I knew I wanted to look into it. One of the men in our church is currently teaching the Sermon on the Mount, but basically from an academic point of view. It doesn’t touch my heart which I know this study will and already has. I have always seen the Sermon on the Mount as something I could not attain, but what Jesus is and then as a set of rules. I appreciate the Doctor’s perspective as I have been learning to walk in the Spirit in the last couple of years.

    1. Welcome, Jennifer! I’m just getting started, solo, looking forward to glean from your learning as you go along–about a week ahead of me, lol. 🙂 Lisa

      1. Welcome to you, Lisa. I am looking forward to talking through the Sermon on the Mount with others in this format. I’m am really noticing what the Dr. said about the Sermon on the Mount being evidenced throughout the New Testament.

  2. Hi. I’m TJ. I’m going through this alone now, but praying for another lady or small group to join me at some point. I am looking forward to the life change it will bring to me, a breaking and freedom that I know I need. My greatest challenge will be to stay committed, but with self discipline, it’ll come. So, perhaps by commenting regularly, it bring me into a place of accountability. Thank you for the opportunity. Blessings in the Lord, TJ

    1. Hi, TJ, there is no better reward than studying God’s word so you can put it into practice–with God all things are possible! Keep after it and pretty soon you will long for the moments you get to spend surrounded by God’s love and wisdom in the word. Many blessings! Lisa

  3. Hi. I’m Kris and also going through this alone. I bought this book when I heard Kari mention it some time ago and like Kari, I placed it on my bookshelf. I was surprised when I received the email about this study, dug my book out and here I am. God knows what we need and when we need it. His timing is perfect. Looking forward to this study!

    1. Wow, Kris, I just got done reading Chapter 1 and I am hooked! I’ve read a few sermons of Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ before here and there, and am really looking forward to more. He has an amazing way of making the Bible very clear. Enjoy the journey and the time with our Savior! Lisa

  4. Hi! I really never thought about The Sermon on the amount much! Looking forward to learning more about it. I am doing the study with one of my best friends and praying that the Lord lead is into application for his glory.

  5. Hi Kari,
    Thanks to you I have been hooked on listening to Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones for the last year so when I saw that you had a workshop for The Sermon on the Mount I knew that it would be awesome. I have done some of your other studies over the last few years and finally learned how to doodle! Your bible studies are the best as I can tell you put your whole heart into each one. I just got my book in the mail yesterday so I am so happy to be able to join you and the other ladies. Praying that Father GOD and the Holy Spirit blesses this workshop and all the ladies. I am going thru this one alone at this time but with all the ladies on here I don’t feel like I am alone. Thanks again from Florida.

    1. Hi Carol, I too love listening to his sermons! I’m also going through this alone but I’m positive that the Holy Spirit is going to bless our time studying.

  6. Hi, I’m Kim from Macon, Ga. I’m currently going through this by myself. I love Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones and have listened to many of his sermons. I can’t wait to get started and I hope this book and workshop blesses all of us going through it!

  7. Hi Kari and the rest of the gang! I finished the preface and the first chapter and so many things that Dr MLJ said were really tugging at me. I got the larger book that was two volumes and a total of 60 sermons on The Sermon on the Mount, so it took me a bit to find the “pages” in the workbook versus my pages which are three or four pages later! Just in case anyone else has that wonderful problem I have been marking them in my book!
    I realized that I have never heard a sermon or Bible study on The Sermon on the Mount and The Beatitudes. Not surprising being a fairly new Christian I suppose as I go to a small country church that does preach from the Bible, but they have been on Luke, Ephesians and Psalm 119 as of late and we are preparing for Easter. I have read the Bible thru multiple times and just never realized the importance of The Beatitudes. (Sorry Lord Jesus). Dr MLJ speaks in a way that is easy for anyone to understand and also gives you a punch in the gut when needed. I can feel my heart already stirring just in the questions he asked, the way we should be living, love and forgiveness. Sorry I can ramble on at times as I do not have many ladies to talk with. Thanks so much for this workshop you all are such a blessing. Carol

  8. Hi All,
    Rachael here. I jumped in on this and am going to try hard to stay at it. I’m good at starting things, but I struggle to finish.

    I’ve requested access to the pdf of Dr Llyod-Jones book, still waiting to get it.

    I’ve done lots and lots of Bible studies over the years. But I know I have really enjoyed the ones I’ve done from Kari, so I’m excited to get into this one. Maybe I can find someone else to read this with, but I’m going to try to go at it on my own.

    Thank you for doing this, Kari!

    1. What do I do if I can’t find the answer to a question? Its the question at the top of page 5 in the workbook. My pdf of Dr Llyod-Jones’s book doesn’t have page numbers, but I found the passage that the question before asks about, so I’m estimating where this is. But it doesn’t make sense! I guess I’ll read his chapter again, its not a bad thing, but I’m already feeling behind. Yep, great at starting… I’m pretty awful at follow through.

  9. My daughter and I are going to start this workshop tonight. I am really excited about it. My son said he may actually sit in with us when his work schedule allows. I have done several of Kari’s doodle journal studies, and I thoroughly enjoy and am blessed by them. I find drawing, as bad as I am at it, helps me to meditate and focus on what I’ve just learned. I have read through chapter 1 of the book and am looking forward to tonight.

    1. Hi Joni! So glad you and your daughter are here! I hope you continue to share as you go through the Beatitudes! It’s such a blessing to me and so many others to hear what we’re all learning!

  10. I LOVE this study – the workbooks, videos, and Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ sermons. Even though I completed this video/workbook section last year, and it was absolutely mind blowing, I need to go through it again. I am wrapping up reading ‘Humility’ by Jerry Bridges, and ironically his book is based on the Beatitudes (which I didn’t know until after I started reading it) and so, after really struggling over the past few months in just about every area of life, I knew that God was gently showing me that I needed to go through this study again. So excited to be here again.

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