1. The chapter made me think of Elisabeth Elliot. She continually talked about accepting from God whatever He has to give. So, the way to become more meek is to grow in trust of the Father, trusting that all things in my life are for my good (conforming me to the image of Christ) and for His glory. When I trust in His loving care, I don’t have to fight for my rights, my wants or even my needs. I can learn to be content with what He gives, even if the weather is lousy. I am NOT at this place, but I want to be.

  2. OK, so this was such a hard week’s lesson. Earlier in the week, I read a short book that has been in my TBR for a while, it is called Humbled by David Mathis. It fit so well in keeping with last week and leading into this week’s study. This week was humbling and painful. When Kari read through the questions they had come up with during their study – every single one drove it home that I am not meek, I don’t even pursue meekness and I thought I did. My cup is messy and I cannot fix it or clean it up or read a book or add a new plan to fix it.

    1. Oh you and me both! I was gutted by this chapter. I still am after reviewing it and re-reading it numerous times! So THANKFUL that He is working in me to transform me because it would be a pretty bleak life if it were just up to me trying harder to be more meek.

    2. Same here, I thought I was doing ok until she read those questions, guess not. What a sinful mess we are. SO glad God love us anyways!

  3. I am not meek. I like what Sunshine said, “My cup is messy and I cannot fix it or clean it up or read a book or add a new plan to fix it.” We moved just over a year ago and when I moved many of my Christian self-help books went the way of Goodwill. I need Jesus desperately.

    1. YAY! I did a culling of books not that long ago too! I’m so sad at how I thought I needed man’s words over the Word of God!

  4. More than the other chapters so far, this one has hurt the worse! (In a good way?) So many times as I was reading I was ejaculating groans of realization and agreement. The doctor most profoundly summed the concept of meekness up for me with, “To be truly meek means we no longer protect ourselves, because we see there is nothing worth defending.” I’m not there, I am so not there yet! I’m very thankful for God’s work in Martin Lloyd-Jones, that he could bring us these truths that can change us if we let them. And thank you to Kari, as well, who has brought the doctor’s work to our attention.

    1. Yes! Groanings! Multiple times through multiple chapters I’ve audibly groaned when the Doctor laid out the truth and I’ve seen myself in that light! I have been so crushed and blessed by the Doctor as he explains what Jesus meant in the Sermon on the Mount. I’m embarrassed at how I used to view it. So thankful for His grace and forgiveness as I learn to walk like a true believer.

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