Spiritual Depression #4 – Mind, Heart, Will
Finally! The next sermon from Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jone’s series on Spiritual Depression is ready for you! I’ve uploaded a free printable for you to take your own notes while you listen to the sermon (click the picture below) or click here. You can listen to the sermon here. It is also available in the book Spiritual Depression.
Please note: the book has two sermons between sermon one and this sermon. I contacted the trust that operates the website for Martyn Lloyd-Jones and they said those two sermons are not available in audio format. So I just listened to the next free sermon, which is this one.

My notes above, plus a page for you to print out and add your own notes is available by clicking here. If you listen, I’d love to hear what you thought of the sermon in the comments below.
The notes are formatted to fit into a mini three ring binder. To print the notes off, save the file to your computer and make sure your printer is set to print double sided and to flip on short edge. Then cut down the middle, hole punch, and take notes!
Good Morning. I am doing a study on the mind and ran across thinking and then Strong’s says we need to act like gate keepers. Keep out whoever an what ever is unclean. I was trying to find the printed version of Jones sermon Uncircumcised heart Acts 7:54-60 but in my search I was pleased to read this. Very nformative notes. Very good teaching . Thanks for sharing