{Saturday with Susan} Love my Bible
As my mother-in-law is dying from cancer, I’ve been reading excerpts from Susan Allibone’s memoir to her. It’s been such a precious time together and Susan has truly grown into a dear friend to both of us, a comforter to me and an encouragement to mom. Right now we’re reading through Susan’s thoughts on heaven and eternity and also her perspective on suffering. It’s been so wonderful, that I thought that each Saturday (or as many as I can) I’d share some quotes from Susan with you too. This first one is from a diary entry from February 4, 1833, shortly after she participated in communion. Susan was 20 years old at the time.
“…May I ever be enabled to trust in His mercy. I have so little faith. I trust it will be increased. I feel the most heartfelt desire to know more of spiritual things. I am perfectly willing to give up the world, and even all my friends, and my life, if it be God’s will, and yet I feel so ignorant, and so very sinful: my mind has been so much confused during the past week. I pray Thee, oh, my Heavenly Father, to give me more faith in Thee; to take away every enjoyment and every desire opposed to Thy will; to enable me to love Thee supremely; to perform every duty in the most conscientious manner, and to delight in Thy word, in Thy people, and in prayer to Thee. Teach me to love my Bible better than all other books.” (p. 24)

Amen! I am enjoying Susan’s book as well! Thank you so much for bringing back to us.
Kari, you are doing God’s work to your Mother in law. She is being so blessed by you reading to her. The portion you read today, is my heart also. Very meaningful. God Bless you!