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  1. I admit that all those expectations you list are something I have dealt with! I’m in, and I will work hard at remembering the BUTS. I have really wanted to be digital, getting away from all the scraps of paper. However, I find that although the info gets recorded, it simply becomes data, and no longer useful because the review process is missing. I need a better way to harness the data AND make it useful.

  2. This is fairly timely. I determined to create a bullet journal for work last month and have been using it. So far, so good as long as I keep up with it. I have to have something to keep me organized with the workload. I am an auditor, and currently have 11 audits that I’m trying to treat as projects. My system isn’t perfect, but I’m hoping to learn from it and change it as necessary. Thanks for helping us!

  3. This year, 2023, will be my ninth year using a bullet Journal. And you are spot on, Kari! I have used almost every notebook except a composition notebook. My favourite is the Artist’s Loft (Michaels): dot grid, pretty covers, reasonably durable and a great size. Thank you for reminding me how much I enjoy my daily habit of keeping a bullet Journal!

  4. Well, I don’t think I’m going to take on this challenge. I did enjoy doing a bujo when I did, it got to be too much. and I’ve got a system that is working very well for me. But maybe I need to think more on this. I’m about to be in a major flux stage of house moving and might just need to go super simple, at which time my trusty composition notebook/ brain dump notebook will become my go to for all the things. I like these, b/c I can, when its full, rip out the pages I want to keep and put them in a binder that is for “Notes on All the Things”. I have too many times when I just need to brain dump and its all the same things and its a random list of 1 thing under a date and time and title, but I needed the time to think up that one thing with my cup of tea and my pen and paper to get myself back to reality and sanity. Or maybe this is just all my excuses so I can comment on your post!

  5. Yes. I am in to try. I journal but not always consistently and still have reminders and notes and calendars elsewhere. Thank you for making this help free and available.sincerely,karac

  6. I’m onboard, but will plan on doing a hybrid bullet journal. Am looking forward to beginning one, a little at a time. I’ve tried before, but only once, without success. It’s a new year so I’ll try again.

  7. Hi, I’m an old lady over here in Wales, UK but I’ll be following you and looking forward to setting up my bullet journal. My favourite notebook is the one you like too. Thank you for helping us . Your advice is so practical.

  8. I’ve been bullet journaling for 6 years. I have always used composition books, which I started because I wanted permission to make it messy, and then kept on because I wanted them all to be the same size. 😅

    My first year I tried many spreads. In the end I went back to the layout that I always used before on scrap paper, only now it is all in a book.

    That first year was a year of learning what works best for my brain.
    Simple is best for me! I don’t have time to create lots of pages and would be overwhelmed with them.

    I really enjoyed learning the hacks that first year, but it has be one much simpler and intuitive since then.

    1. I love it! Yes, simple is best! Every year I get all excited about new spreads and things and then get overwhelmed and just kinda fall back on what works and is simple.

  9. Addressed mainly to Gill, I am an old lady in Australia, and if you are prepared to give it a go so will I. Thanks Kari, I will be in…..

  10. I have been a follower of your blog and Bible studies for years now. I have completed the older versions of the Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians studies, have purchased all but 1st and 2nd Corinthians. I haven’t bought any of the I will meditate series or The Sermon on the Mount. Yours was the first blog I started and have used a form of Bullet Journaling in preprinted calendars for the last 5 years. This year I started out the same but I had so many notes, post-it’s, invitations, and sermon notes stuffed into boxes from past years and was building the pile again, next to the pile of receipts that go with my record keeping for our 350 mama cow operation where we have babies born twice a year. So in July I decided why can’t I put it all in one book? So I started in a journal I had. But soon everything was just on my monthly calendars. That was until I found a Journal at Walgreens that was exactly what I needed. It’s made by Markings, has 3 ribbon bookmarks, a ruler in a pocket in the back with bullet journal symbols to trace. The top of every page has a blank spot plus a place where you can circle what month it is or date it is. It has 240 dot grid pages with places to write page numbers. I’ve put in October-May at the beginning because I had skipped pages for enough monthly calendars to get through 2023 but found out I needed 2 page spread for my monthly’s. The I have my weekly pages that I can change up an area or add something as each season changes. Then I marked off where my various notes can start. I have 4 pages front and back from ag conference next to my sermon notes for the week. I figure that it’s my book I can put whatever I want wherever. So I will join you in this challenge mainly to help me keep all my ranch income and expenses at least up to date monthly, track the health habits I’m monitoring and adding to my life, and keeping all together by time frame not individual notebooks.

  11. Hi Kari!
    Thanks for doing this and encouraging us to stick with it. I am in!! I have started in the past and didn’t stick with it. Looking forward to doing this with you and others!!

  12. In the past, I have done was you were saying – that is, I looked up everything I could find on whatever particular type of journaling I was interested in. Watched videos…
    Helpful but confusing.
    So I’m ready to keep it simple.
    I’m eager to go on this journey with you, through your bullet journals, this next year!
    But I’m wondering where I find the next post?
    Or is it not time for it yet? I did subscribe, and will be patient : ))

  13. Kari, I’m old also and somehow I’ve managed to get this far by flying by the seat of my pants. I’m ready to learn and enjoy the art and system of bullet journaling.
    Thank you!

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