{Susan Allibone Project} Proofreading call for Chapter 1
Wow! The response I got from you was overwhelming! I have never had that many comments on a blog post in the history of this blog, which is exciting and telling! You solidified to me that I’m not alone in thinking that Christian women today need to hear from Christian women from the past. It is an area of literature that is severely lacking and I’m thrilled so many of you want to help with this project!
I’m currently typing away, averaging about 2 chapters a week. So if all goes well, this book should be typed, formatted, illustrated, group edited (by you!), and published by the end of March or beginning of April 2023!
Here’s what I need you to do.
- I’ve uploaded the Preface and Chapter 1 onto Google Docs.
- Sign into your Google account then click the link below to access the document.
- Read through the Preface and Chapter 1 checking for any typos. (Keep in mind it was written in the 1850s so some of the words and grammar are a bit antiquated.)
- When you find a typo or mistake, you can double click to highlight the word and it will pop up with options for you to suggest edits or add a comment. Please use either way mark it. It will also show if someone else has added that so you don’t have to, and it will keep it all neat and tidy rather than emailing me or trying to describe where the typo is.
- Google automatically saves the document for me so you don’t have to worry about that.
- Keep in mind, this is not the final format of the book. The final one will have space for your own notes, illustrations, and annotations added, plus links to all the books she mentions!
- Now that you read all that, here’s the link.
- If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or add them as a suggestion on the document.
Thank you so much for your help! I hope you enjoy your time with Susan (and the thoughts of Alfred Lee, her biographer, which I’m sure would have made Susan very uncomfortable because she was constantly striving for meekness and humility).

Hi, Kari.
I’m from Canada, but I believe that you’re in the US. So you would want the proofreading done in American English, as opposed to Canadian or British?
I love stuff like that and want to help. 🙂
It’s interesting because it was written in America, in the 1850s, but there are a few words that have the British spelling, like Saviour instead of Savior. I think I’ll leave those words as is, since I’m trying to just rewrite the text with as few changes as possible. That’s not really helpful, I know. LOL So I guess American English, but with exceptions?
Great! Thanks, Kari. I’ll go through it before the end of the week. 🙂
This first Chapter was awesome. she has an eloquent way about her writing. I enjoyed it very much. keep it coming.