Sermon notes – Martyn Lloyd-Jones Mark 9:28-29
here’s something about thinking though how to organize notes and what to illustrate (and how) that makes it stick in my head. So, here are my notes from the sermon on Mark 9:29-29.
here’s something about thinking though how to organize notes and what to illustrate (and how) that makes it stick in my head. So, here are my notes from the sermon on Mark 9:29-29.
An update on what we did in 2020 and the 2021 garden expansion project!
Looking over my habit trackers for January, February, and most of March, I can see two areas I could use some focus and growth. One is physical: working out. The other is spiritual: prayer.
Week 7 was a fun/scary week as I got an opportunity to Zoom into a Bible study with a wonderful group of very kind women in Canada!
Week 11 brought in some sunny days and more rain here in Oregon. But on the sunny days we got to work on the garden expansion for Zombie Bottoms Garden (started in March 2020, when it seemed like Zombies could be a legitimate threat).
I’m still enjoying thinking through the notes and putting them in Cornell Notes form.At the top of the front page, I am writing questions for me to ponder about the verses.
Today I get to share a guest post by Jennifer. We have never met before but she surprised me with such a lovely and encouraging email that I immediately asked her if I could share her experience with all of you.
What do you think about discipleship? Mentoring? Are you involved in it in any way?
This past week was a very busy week, but a very good one. I didn’t get anything crossed off my tasks, but some weeks are like that, right?
As a long time Christian, I have always heard how humble Jesus was. But, He never really seemed that way to me…