Transcribing the book of Proverbs for my sons
Today is the day I FINISHED transcribing the book of Proverbs for my son! I’m so excited! It has been just a little over a year since I first cracked open that composition notebook and wrote out the first nine verses on the right side page, and a note to my son on the left page.

There is so much wisdom packed into this book of the Bible. So much I want to talk over with all of my boys. So much I want them to remember.

Transcribing the Proverbs hasn’t always been fun. It’s just been plain old hard work some days. But the act of just doing it. Just sitting down and writing out each verse, word by word, comma by comma, has been an amazing blessing to me.
It has calmed me. (God loves him more than I do, and He has a specific plan for him.)
It has encouraged me. (He promises that if we seek Him, He will bless us with knowledge and wisdom.)
It has helped me clarify how some of these verses fit directly into our lives and how to think through and write that out for my son.

It has absolutely been a blessing to me. And I pray it will be to him too.
I carried him through this process with me. Constantly thinking of him, his struggles, his gifts, and carrying on a continual conversation with him as I wrote everything down.

Someday I’ll give this to my son (when I’m a little more sure that it won’t end up on the floor, stepped on, or slip behind his dresser or in his hamper).
And I pray it will be the start of an unquenchable hunger for His word.
I have two more sons. Two more times through the book of Proverbs.
The best time to start transcribing the book of Proverbs for your children is a year ago.
The next best time is today. Let’s do it.
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